conditions of sale


The site is the property of L’ANIMAL SARL in its entirety, as well as all related rights. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is forbidden without the express and prior authorization of L’ANIMAL SARL. L’ANIMAL SARL carries out an e-commerce activity and offers online sales of products on the website reserves the right to modify certain elements of these general conditions of sale during the year.


Article 1 : Acceptance of the general conditions of sale

The acceptance of the general conditions of sale is carried out by the validation of the order by the customer. By proceeding to the payment, the user indicates that he accepts without reserve the present general conditions.


Article 2 : Realization of the sales

The property is acquired to the purchaser as of the payment of the article, whatever the date of delivery.


Article 3 : Obligations of information fulfills its duty of advice and precontractual information such as it results from the article L121-18 of the Code of the consumption and the articles to which it refers.

The essential characteristics of the articles are included in the detailed description that accompanies the photographs of the articles.

The respect of the article L121-19 of the Code of consumption results from the confirmation of the order.


Article 4 : Customer account

The site is freely accessible without registration.

Any order requires the transmission of the following information: title, first name, surname, company name, email, telephone and delivery address.


Article 5 : Prices and means of payment

The prices are indicated including all taxes in France and in the European Union. Outside the European Union, the VAT will be deducted automatically at the time of purchase. The taxes and customs charges are the responsibility of the customer once the parcel has arrived at its destination. The articles are supplied at the price in force at the time of the placing of the order. Payment is made by credit card or bank transfer.

Any discount codes that may be applied do not apply to delivery costs, with the exception of specific free delivery coupons. They cannot be refunded.

The payment data are not kept by nor by the organization in charge of the financial transaction. The collection of the costs of the order is effective as soon as the order is shipped when the payment is made by credit card. The collection is immediate for the payments by Paypal.

All the banking data communicated by the customer during the payment of the order by bank card are the subject of an automated data processing by the banking partner of Stripe. The purpose of this automated data processing is to define a level of analysis of transactions and to fight against credit card fraud, usurpation and misuse of identity. and its provider Stripe is the recipient of the data related to the order. The customer’s credit card number is never transmitted or used as is but benefits from a system of encoding and secure encryption. The highest security standards are applied to the storage of data and are all in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The client may oppose the communication of his data, knowing that the non-transmission of these data prevents the realization and the analysis of his transaction and will lead to suggest another mode of reservation.

The occurrence of an unpaid order due to a fraudulent use of a credit card will lead to the registration of the data related to the order associated with this unpaid order in a payment incident file. An irregular declaration or an anomaly may also be subject to specific processing.

According to the information delivered by the system of analysis of the orders could be brought to contact the purchaser to ask him to provide them with complementary documents. The supply of these documents is in this case a condition sine qua non for the validation of the reservation.

In order to fight against credit card fraud, a visual verification of the means of payment can be carried out by the customer service of before the products are sent.


Article 6 : Price adjustment during a promotion period

If an article was bought within 7 days preceding the beginning of a period of promotion, will be able on request of the customer to credit the difference of price in the form of a purchase voucher on the customer account. This voucher will be granted under the condition that the product including the size is still available for sale on the site at the time of the request by the customer. This voucher will be valid for 12 months after credit approval.

Any item purchased at a discount will not benefit from this downward adjustment.


Article 7: Rates and delivery times

Deliveries are made for France by

Orders are processed within one week after their reception. A period of 15 working days may be necessary to deliver the order. The delivery will depend on the availability of the products as well as on the banking verification necessary to the good functioning of the process. will not be responsible for the additional delays caused by the non-delivery of a banking authorization. In case of delay, will do its best to contact the customer by phone, letter or e-mail.

When the order is processed and shipped, a confirmation email containing a package number will be sent to the customer, this information will also be available on the customer account. In case a package arrives damaged, the customer will have to refuse the delivery and ask for the package to be returned to A new package will then be reshipped as soon as possible. The order can however be cancelled at the request of the customer. No return will be accepted after signing the acknowledgement of receipt of the package, which is an express acceptance of the delivery. The responsibility of could not be committed for a delay of delivery. The overtaking of delivery time cannot give place to damages.

The expenses of delivery are fixed between 1 and 6 Tombstones bought. All deliveries are made by express delivery. At the time of your order, you will receive the best price according to the quantity of products and the address of delivery. delivers in the whole world.


Article 8 : Unavailability of the ordered article

If exceptionally, the ordered article was not available any more, the purchaser will be able either to proceed to an exchange, or to ask to be refunded without delay and at the latest in the seven days of the payment of the sums which it paid.


Article 9 : Quality of the articles

The quantity and the qualities of the delivered thing are those fixed during the order.

www.yourtombstone.comse reserves the right to modify the good to be delivered in the hypothesis described by the paragraph 2 of the article R132-2 of the Code of the consumption, that is to say when the modifications are bound to the technical evolution and that they do not generate any increase in price nor alteration of the quality of the product, being understood that the consumer is free to mention the characteristics to which he subordinates his engagement.

The articles sold by www.yourtombstone.comsont guaranteed new in accordance with the law in force and having, in no case, been the subject of a preliminary use.


Article 10 : Non-conformity of the order / damaged article

It emerges from the article L121-20-3 of the Code of the consumption, that www.yourtombstone. com, as a professional, is automatically responsible towards the consumer of the good execution of the obligations resulting from the contract concluded at distance, that these obligations are to be carried out by the professional who concluded this contract or by other providers of services, without prejudice to its right of recourse against those; on the other hand that it can exonerate itself from all or part of its responsibility by bringing the proof that the non-performance or the bad execution of the contract is ascribable, either with the consumer, or with the fact, unforeseeable and insurmountable, of a third with the contract, or with a case of absolute necessity. In the event of anomaly concerning the delivery, i.e. in the event of defective articles or nonconforming in nature (error of reference of color), the customer must as soon as possible or even the same day of the delivery, to forward its complaints to via the heading “Contact”.

Any complaint formulated beyond the 3 days following the delivery could not be accepted.

The absence of complaints, the non-issuance of reserves on behalf of the customer means that the delivered article is considered satisfactory and cannot be the subject of any later dispute.


Article 11 : Cancellation and right of withdrawal

Under Article L 121-20 of the Consumer Code as amended by Order No. 2001-741 of August 23, 2001 and Law No. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014, the withdrawal period is 14 days from the day after receipt of the item.

The exercise of this right is made through the dedicated form located in the Order section of the personal account or via an email request sent to [___].

The exercise of this right leads to the reimbursement of the sums paid, after qualitative and quantitative verification of the returned items.


Article 12 : Returns

The buyer has the right to return his order within seven working days from the date of receipt of the goods. Beyond the deadline, will be free to refuse the exchange or the refund. The purchaser has the possibility of asking for an exchange or a refund of one or several article(s) by making his request in the form of return provided in the order.

The return of the orders can be carried out with the seat of the company L’ animal to the 20 street Dussoubs 75002 Paris, or by postal way. The return costs are the responsibility of the customer and are not refundable. A check of (to be completed) € to the order of L’animal is required for any request for exchange, to cover the cost of reshipping the item(s). If the product requested in exchange is not available, will destroy the check.

The returned products must imperatively be in perfect condition and given in their original packaging, to which it is added a packaging covering the totality of the product; they must not carry any trace of use, to be accompanied by their accessories. The buyer must return the item(s) with the original invoice and the completed return form.

It is only after having checked that these conditions are satisfied that will proceed to the refunding of the sums perceived with regard to the turned over articles, with the exception of the initial expenses of sending. Otherwise, no refund will be due, the customer will remain the owner of the product and the article will be returned to the customer at his expense. The refund is made within 15 days after the return of the package via the payment method used at the time of the order.

If an error in the order occurs on behalf of, the purchaser will have the possibility of being refunded the expenses of return, or to claim a good Colissimo prepaid by contacting the after-sales service.


Article 13 : Data-processing law and freedoms

In accordance with the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 recast by the law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the purchaser has a right of access and of correction of the data relating to it. By the intermediary of, and only if the customer gave his initial agreement at the time of his inscription, his address can be transmitted to third partners of He will thus be able to receive proposals from other companies. If it does not wish it, it will be able to write with the following address: L’animal 20 rue Dussoubs 75002 Paris.


Article 14: Intellectual property

The whole of the elements published within the site, such as images, texts, comments, illustrations, that they are visual or sound, reproduced on the site are protected under the royalty, right of the marks, right of the patents and right to the image, and this for the whole world. They are the full and complete property of L’animal.

As such and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of intellectual property, only the use for private use subject to different provisions even more restrictive of the Code of intellectual property, is authorized. Any other use is constitutive of counterfeit and sanctioned under the intellectual property.


Article 15 : Litigation

All disputes that could arise on the execution and interpretation of these general conditions of sale will have to be brought before the courts of Paris which will be only competent.